Being happiness is a commitment to oneself, to other living beings, and to the planet. Here are some tools we advise you to include in your daily routine:

Connect with your values. This should be the first action you take in the morning so that your actions throughout the day are consistent with your sense of life.

Lead a healthy life. Aspects such as healthy eating, sufficient sleep, physical exercise, and spending time in nature and sunlight are key to physical and psychological well-being.

Take care of your social network and environment. Maintaining meaningful and stable relationships is an extraordinary factor for mental health. Also take care of the beauty and pleasantness in your environment to increase the overall sense of well-being.

Practice some meditation. A period as short as 5-10 minutes a day, always at the same time, preferably upon waking up, allows you to start the day in a conscious manner and with less stress.

Be thankful for the good moments in life. At the end of the day, review three good moments and thank yourself, the beings who made it possible, and the universe for making them happen.

Do something for others. Try to do something for someone every day, without expecting others to thank you or even know about it.

Forgive. Hatred or resentment are the most destructive feelings for human beings. It is crucial to understand that humans, due to our emotional limitations, tend to hurt each other inevitably.


Happytalism at TEDx

"What ideas do you have to advance the happytalist paradigm?"